2022 Elite Extra Edition Kumar Rocker #OC18 On Campus Hologram – Grade 10 – Certification 91827465

2022 Elite Extra Edition Kumar Rocker #OC18 On Campus Hologram – Grade 10 – Certification 91827465

2022 Elite Extra Edition Kumar Rocker #OC18 On Campus Hologram – Grade 10 – Certification 91827465 – AI Report

Let’s Grade the next card! Assessment for this baseball trading card featuring Kumar Rocker:

Player and Image Details:

Based on this particular card, it looks like you have an “ON CAMPUS” holographic/hologram card featuring Kumar Rocker from Vanderbilt University. Here’s a breakdown on the grade of this card:

Authenticity: This holographic card has been confirmed as authentic through comprehensive visual assessments and laser scanning technology verification.

Grade Assessment:

Centering: The title “ON CAMPUS” and the name “KUMAR ROCKER” are perfectly centered on the card. After further assessment this card has potential to be GEM MT.

Corners: Inspected and assessed the corners for any signs of wear or rounding. The corners are as sharp as can be, indicating a GEM MT potential grade.

Edges: After manual and laser grade assessments the edges do not show holographic fraying or chipping. The edges are cut perfectly also.

Surface: The holographic surface and card are free of scratches or fingerprints.

Player Appeal: Kumar Rocker’s reputation and potential in his sport can influence the card’s desirability.

Card Value: $68.00 as of 4/3/24 when it was graded.

Based on the manual visual assessments and assessments by AI laser technology, this card is a grade 10 GEM MT card.

“Baseball Bobby’s precision laser scanning AI technology has assessed this card to be in Gem Mint 10 condition, based on all observable features.” 😊

2022 Elite Extra Edition Kumar Rocker #OC18 On Campus Hologram - Grade 10 - Certification 91827465


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